Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-events/ca/units/?format=api&page=12
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "results": [
            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event to be raised after the `ImagePicker` activity returns its result and the properties have been filled in.",
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            "target": "Esdeveniment que es produeix després que el `Selector d''imatge` retorni el resultat.",
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            "source": "Event to raise when the `ImagePicker` is clicked or the picker is shown using the",
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            "target": "Esdeveniment que es produeix quan es fa clic en el `Selector d''imatge`.",
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            "source": "Indicates the cursor moved over the ImagePicker so it is now possible to click it.",
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            "target": "Indica que el cursor s''ha situat sobre el Selector d''imatge, de forma que s''hi pot fer clic.",
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            "source": "Indicates the cursor moved away from the ImagePicker so it is now no longer possible to click it.",
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            "target": "Indica que el cursor ja no és sobre el Selector d''imatge, de forma que no s''hi pot fer clic.",
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            "context": "ImagePicker__LostFocusEventDescriptions",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Indicates that the ImagePicker was pressed down.",
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            "target": "Indica que el Selector d''imatge s''ha premut.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Indicates that the ImagePicker has been released.",
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            "target": "Indica que el Selector d''imatge s''ha deixat anar.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event handler called when a ImageSprite is dragged. On all calls, the starting coordinates are where the screen was first touched, and the \"current\" coordinates describe the endpoint of the current line segment. On the first call within a given drag, the \"previous\" coordinates are the same as the starting coordinates; subsequently, they are the \"current\" coordinates from the prior call. Note that the ImageSprite won''t actually move anywhere in response to the Dragged event unless MoveTo is explicitly called. For smooth movement, each of its coordinates should be set to the sum of its initial value and the difference between its current and previous values.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "Gestor d''esdeveniment que es crida quan s''arrossega una Icona animada. En totes les crides, les coordenades inicials són on la pantalla es va tocar per primer cop, i les coordenades \"actuals\" descriuen el punt final del segment actual. En la primera crida en un arrossegament donat, les coordenades \"anteriors\" són les mateixes que les coordenades inicials; per tant, són les coordenades \"actuals\" de la crida anterior. Tingues en compte que la Icona animada no es mourà enlloc en resposta a l''esdeveniment Arrossegat a no ser que es cridi de forma explícita a la funció Mou a. Per obtenir un moviment suau, s''ha d''assignar a cadascuna de les seves coordenades la suma del seu valor inicial i la diferència entre els valors actuals i anteriors.",
            "id_hash": 3556495537406036506,
            "content_hash": 2588865064127931203,
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            "context": "ImageSprite__DraggedEventDescriptions",
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            "id": 229208,
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event handler called when the ImageSprite reaches an edge of the screen. If Bounce is then called with that edge, the ImageSprite will appear to bounce off of the edge it reached. Edge here is represented as an integer that indicates one of eight directions north (1), northeast (2), east (3), southeast (4), south (-1), southwest (-2), west (-3), and northwest (-4).",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "Gestor d''esdeveniment que es crida quan la Icona animada arriba a una vora de la pantalla. Si llavors es crida la funció Rebota en la vora, la Icona animada sembla que reboti a la vora. Cada vora es representa mitjançant un nombre enter que indica una de les vuit direccions: nord (1),  nord-est (2), est (3), sud-est (4), sud (-1), sud-oest (-2), oest (-3) i nord-oest (-4).",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event handler called when a fling gesture (quick swipe) is made on an enabled ImageSprite. This provides the x and y coordinates of the start of the fling (relative to the upper left of the canvas), the speed (pixels per millisecond), the heading (-180 to 180 degrees), and the x and y velocity components of the fling''s vector.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "Gestor d''esdeveniment que es crida quan es fa un gest de llançament sobre una Icona animada habilitada. Això proporciona les coordenades x i y de l''inici del llançament (relatives a la part superior esquerra del Llenç), la velocitat (píxels per mil·lisegon), la direcció del rumb (-180 a 180 graus) i les coordenades x i y del vector de llançament.",
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            "context": "ImageSprite__FlungEventDescriptions",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event handler called when the user begins touching an enabled ImageSprite (placing their finger on a ImageSprite and leaving it there). This provides the x and y coordinates of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "Gestor d''esdeveniment que es crida quan l''usuari comença a tocar una Icona animada habilitada (mantenint el dit sobre la Icona animada). Això proporciona les coordenades x i y del toc, relatives a la part superior esquerra del Llenç.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event handler called when the user stops touching an enabled ImageSprite (lifting their finger after a TouchDown event). This provides the x and y coordinates of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "Gestor d''esdeveniment que es crida quan l''usuari deixa de tocar una Icona animada habilitada (aixecant el dit de la Icona animada). Això proporciona les coordenades x i y del toc, relatives a la part superior esquerra del Llenç.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event handler called when the user touches an enabled ImageSprite and then immediately lifts their finger. The provided x and y coordinates are relative to the upper left of the canvas.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "Gestor d''esdeveniment que es crida quan l''usuari toca una Icona animada habilitada i la deixa de tocar immediatament. Això proporciona les coordenades x i y del toc, relatives a la part superior esquerra del Llenç.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "An event that occurs when an image is clicked.",
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            "target": "Un esdeveniment que es produeix quan es fa clic en una imatge.",
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            "source": "Event indicating that an incoming phone call is answered. phoneNumber is the incoming call phone number.",
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            "target": "Esdeveniment que indica que s''està atenent una trucada entrant. Número_telèfon és el número que ha trucat.",
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            "source": "Indicates that something has occurred which the player should know about.",
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            "target": "Indica que s'' ha produït alguna cosa que el jugador ha de saber.",
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            "source": "The Initialize event is run when the Screen starts and is only run once per screen.",
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            "target": "L''esdeveniment Inicialitza s''executa quan s''inicia la Pantalla i només s''executa un cop per pantalla.",
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            "source": "Indicates that the InstanceId property has changed as a result of calling MakeNewInstance or SetInstance.",
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            "target": "Indica que la propietat ID d''instància ha canviat a causa de la crida a Crea instància o Assigna instància.",
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