Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-events/ko/units/?format=api&page=4
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 440,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "translation": "",
            "source": "This event has been deprecated.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "이 이벤트는 더 사용되지 않습니다.",
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            "source": "CalibrationFailed",
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            "target": "보정이실패했을때",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "When the user does a drag from one point (prevX, prevY) to another (x, y). The pair (startX, startY) indicates where the user first touched the screen, and \"draggedAnySprite\" indicates whether a sprite is being dragged.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 한 점(이전X, 이전Y)에 서 다른 점(x, y)로 드래그했을 때입니다. 좌표 (시작X, 시작Y)는 처음 드래그를 시작한 지점입니다. \"스프라이트 드래그 됨\"은 스프라이트에 대고 드래그 중인지 아닌지입니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "When a fling gesture (quick swipe) is made on the canvas: provides the (x,y) position of the start of the fling, relative to the upper left of the canvas. Also provides the speed (pixels per millisecond) and heading (-180 to 180 degrees) of the fling, as well as the x velocity and y velocity components of the fling''s vector. The value \"flungSprite\" is true if a sprite was located near the the starting point of the fling gesture.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "캔버스에서 플링 제스처(튕기듯이 드래그)가 감지되면 실행되는 이벤트입니다. 플링의 시작 좌표(캔버스의 좌측 상단이 기준), 속도(초당 픽셀), 방향(0~360도) 그리고 플링 벡터의 x속도, y속도를 제공합니다. \"스프라이트플링됨\"는 플링 시작점 주변에 스프라이트가 있었으면 참을 반환합니다.",
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            "context": "Canvas__FlungEventDescriptions",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "When the user begins touching the canvas (places finger on canvas and leaves it there): provides the (x,y) position of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 캔버스를 터치를 시작할 때(터치하는 순간) 실행되는 이벤트입니다. 터치한 곳의 캔버스 좌측 상단을 기준으로 하는 X, Y 좌표를 제공합니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "When the user stops touching the canvas (lifts finger after a TouchDown event): provides the (x,y) position of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 캔버스를 터치한 것이 끝날 때(캔버스를 눌렀다가 때는 순간) 실행되는 이벤트입니다. 터치한 곳의 캔버스 좌측 상단을 기준으로 하는 X, Y 좌표를 제공합니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "When the user touches the canvas and then immediately lifts finger: provides the (x,y) position of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas. TouchedAnySprite is true if the same touch also touched a sprite, and false otherwise.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 캔버스를 터치하고 손가락을 바로 땔 때 실행되는 이벤트입니다. 터치한 곳의 캔버스 좌측 상단을 기준으로 하는 X, Y 좌표를 제공합니다. 만약 스프라이트도 터치한 경우 \"스프라이트 터치 됨\"은 참입니다.",
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            "source": "Changed",
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            "target": "변경되었을때",
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            "source": "Indicates that the user tapped on a data point in the chart. The x and y values of the tapped entry are reported.",
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            "id_hash": 5739096710843516858,
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Indicates that the user clicked on a data entry in the `Chart`. The specific series, along with its x and y values, are reported.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "The ErrorOccurred event will be run when an error occurs during processing, such as if your you are over usage quota, or some other error signaled by ChatGPT or PaLM. See for current information.",
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            "id": 234772,
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "User tapped and released the CheckBox.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 체크박스를 누르면 실행됩니다.",
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            "source": "CheckBox became the focused component.",
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            "target": "체크박스가 포커스를 얻으면 실행됩니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "CheckBox stopped being the focused component.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "체크박스가 포커스를 잃으면 실행됩니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Event raised when the user canceled ShowChooseDialog.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 선택대화창을 취소 할 때 발생하는 이벤트입니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "ChoosingCanceled",
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            "target": "선택을취소했을때",
            "id_hash": -2918824058437605018,
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            "id": 234777,
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "The user clicked on the Circle.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 원을 클릭하면 실행됩니다.",
            "id_hash": -5587184175732890305,
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            "source_info": ""
            "translation": "",
            "source": "The user dragged the Circle.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 원을 드래그하면 실행됩니다.",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "The user long-pressed on the Circle. This event will only trigger if Draggable is false.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "사용자가 원을 길게 눌렀을 때 실행됩니다. 이 이벤트는 \"드래그 가능\" 속성이 거짓일 때만 실행됩니다.",
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