Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-events/zh_Hant/units/?format=api&page=13
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "target": "操作地圖時提供了無效座標時,觸發本事件。「訊息」參數將包含與問題有關的詳細資訊。",
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            "target": "使用者已被邀請加入本遊戲實例時,觸發本事件。",
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            "source": "This event is raised after the program calls <code>Authorize</code> if the authorization was successful. It is also called after a call to <code>CheckAuthorized</code> if we already have a valid access token. After this event has been raised, any other method for this component can be called.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "呼叫<code>授權</code>且成功授權之後,觸發本事件。 如果我們已經擁有有效的存取憑證,則在呼叫<code>檢查授權狀態</code>之後也會觸發本事件。本事件觸發之後才能使用本元件的其他任何方法。",
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            "source": "Called when a change is detected in the light level.",
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            "target": "當亮度發生變化時,所呼叫的事件。",
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            "source": "The user clicked on the LineString.",
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            "target": "當使用者點選了線條字串元件時,所呼叫的事件。",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "The user dragged the LineString.",
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            "target": "使用者拖曳線條字串元件時,所呼叫的事件。",
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            "source": "The user long-pressed on the LineString. This event will only trigger if Draggable is false.",
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            "target": "使用者長按本元件時,觸發本事件。注意,只有當「可拖曳」屬性為\"假\"時,才會觸發此事件。",
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            "source": "Event to be raised after the `ListPicker` activity returns its result and the properties have been filled in.",
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            "target": "當`清單選擇器`元件回傳其結果,其屬性也被填入之後,觸發本事件。",
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            "source": "Event to raise when the `ListPicker` is clicked or the picker is shown using the",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "`清單選擇器`元件被點選或使用\"開啟選取器\"方法來顯示之前,觸發本事件",
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            "source": "Indicates the cursor moved over the ListPicker so it is now possible to click it.",
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            "target": "代表滑鼠游標已移到清單選擇器上,現在可以點擊它。",
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            "source": "Indicates the cursor moved away from the ListPicker so it is now no longer possible to click it.",
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            "target": "代表游標已移出了清單選擇器元件之上,現在已無法再點擊該元件。",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Indicates that the ListPicker was pressed down.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "當清單選擇器被壓下時,觸發本事件。",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Indicates that the ListPicker has been released.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "當清單選擇器被鬆開時,觸發本事件。",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Simple event to be raised after the an element has been chosen in the list. The selected element is available in the Selection property.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "當本元件中的某一個元素被選擇之後,觸發本事件。被選中的元素可由「選中項」屬性來取得。",
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            "source": "An error was encountered while processing a GeoJSON document at the given url. The responseCode parameter will contain an HTTP status code and the errorMessage parameter will contain a detailed error message.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "在處理指定 url 的 GeoJSON 文件發生錯誤時,觸發本事件。「回應代碼」參數將包含 HTTP 狀態碼,而「錯誤訊息」參數將包含詳細的錯誤消息。",
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