Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/units/?format=api&page=3
https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/units/?format=api&page=4", "previous": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/units/?format=api&page=2", "results": [ { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>A formatting element in which to place components that should be displayed from left to right. If you wish to have components displayed one over another, use <code>VerticalArrangement</code> instead.</p><p>This version is scrollable.", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p>Un élément de formatage dans lequel placer les composants qui doivent être affichés de gauche à droite. Si vous souhaitez afficher les composants les uns sur les autres, utilisez plutôt <code>VerticalArrangement</code>.</p><p>Cette version est déroulante.", "id_hash": -1982960027484663612, "content_hash": 5393044149741302589, "location": "", "context": "HorizontalScrollArrangementHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 41, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 32, "priority": 100, "id": 223544, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=647b1c5c75fa50c4", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223544/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10762/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "A sensor component that can measure the relative ambient air humidity. Most Android devices do not have this sensor.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Un composant de capteur qui peut mesurer l'humidité relative de l'air ambiant. La plupart des appareils Android ne disposent pas de ce capteur.", "id_hash": -5354332156516260631, "content_hash": 2618694258788361288, "location": "", "context": "HygrometerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 42, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 19, "priority": 100, "id": 223545, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=35b19745a965a4e9", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223545/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10763/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "The ImageBot is a non-visible component that uses DALL-E 2 to create and edit images. You must supply your own OpenAI API key for this component by setting its ApiKey property in the blocks.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 8327653258099244724, "content_hash": 7139268914947222091, "location": "", "context": "ImageBotHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 43, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 34, "priority": 100, "id": 223546, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=f391c48435a13eb4", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223546/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10764/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "Component for displaying images. The picture to display, and other aspects of the Image''s appearance, can be specified in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Composant pour afficher les images. La photo à afficher, et les autres aspects de l’apparence de l’image, peuvent être spécifiés dans la partie Conception ou dans la partie bloc.", "id_hash": -6718369649459267, "content_hash": 5362665182231886946, "location": "", "context": "ImageHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 44, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 26, "priority": 100, "id": 223547, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=7fe821adab92ffbd", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223547/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10765/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "A special-purpose button. When the user taps an image picker, the device''s image gallery appears, and the user can choose an image. After an image is picked, it is saved, and the <code>Selected</code> property will be the name of the file where the image is stored. In order to not fill up storage, a maximum of 10 images will be stored. Picking more images will delete previous images, in order from oldest to newest.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Un bouton spécial. Quand l’utilisateur tape le sélectionneur d’image, la galerie image de l’appareil apparaît, et l’utilisateur peut choisir une image. Après la sélection de l’image, elle est enregistrée dans la cadre SD et la propriété <code>Fichier image</code> va être le nom du fichier où l’image a été enregistrée. Pour ne pas remplir la carte, un maximum de 10 images va être stocké. Sélectionner d’autres images va supprimer les images précédentes, dans l''ordre de l''ancien au nouveau.", "id_hash": 624618190957056224, "content_hash": -6152790226994769875, "location": "", "context": "ImagePickerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 45, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 74, "priority": 100, "id": 223548, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=88ab16ef703e10e0", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223548/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10766/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>A ''sprite'' that can be placed on a <code>Canvas</code>, where it can react to touches and drags, interact with other sprites (<code>Ball</code>s and other <code>ImageSprite</code>s) and the edge of the Canvas, and move according to its property values. Its appearance is that of the image specified in its <code>Picture</code> property (unless its <code>Visible</code> property is <code>False</code>).</p> <p>To have an <code>ImageSprite</code> move 10 pixels to the left every 1000 milliseconds (one second), for example, you would set the <code>Speed</code> property to 10 [pixels], the <code>Interval</code> property to 1000 [milliseconds], the <code>Heading</code> property to 180 [degrees], and the <code>Enabled</code> property to <code>True</code>. A sprite whose <code>Rotates</code> property is <code>True</code> will rotate its image as the sprite''s <code>Heading</code> changes. Checking for collisions with a rotated sprite currently checks the sprite''s unrotated position so that collision checking will be inaccurate for tall narrow or short wide sprites that are rotated. Any of the sprite properties can be changed at any time under program control.</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p>Un \"lutin\" qui peut être placé dans un <code>Cadre</code>, et qui peut réagir à la touché et au déplacement, interagit avec les autres lutins (<code>Balle</code>s et les autres <code>Image lutin</code>s) et le bord du cadre, et bouge selon les valeurs de ses propriétés. Son apparence est celle de l’image spécifiée dans la propriété <code>Photo</code> (à moins que la propriété <code>Visible</code> est <code>Faux</code>.</p> <p>Pour que <code>Image lutin</code> avance 10 pixels à gauche chaque 1000 milli-secondes (une seconde), par exemple, il faut fixer la propriété <code>Vitesse</code>à 10 [pixels], la propriété <code>Intervalle</code> à 1000 [milli-secondes], la propriété <code>Orientation</code> à 180 [degrés], et la propriété <code>Activé</code> à <code>Vrai</code>. Un lutin qui a la propriété <code>Rotation</code> fixé à <code>Vrai</code> va faire des rotations chaque fois que l’ <code>Orientation</code> de l’image lutin change. La vérification de la collision avec un lutin en rotation vérifie en faite la position qui n’est pas en rotation, ainsi la détection de collision va être inexacte pour les les lutins haut étroit ou large et court en rotation. N’importe quelle propriété peut être changée à n’importe quel moment sous le contrôle du programme.</p>", "id_hash": 7613901211127091633, "content_hash": 3990299728490298773, "location": "", "context": "ImageSpriteHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 46, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 160, "priority": 100, "id": 223549, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=e9aa02cfb42591b1", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223549/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10767/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "A Label displays a piece of text, which is specified through the <code>Text</code> property. Other properties, all of which can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor, control the appearance and placement of the text.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Un label affiche un morceau de texte, qui est spécifié avec la propriété <code>Texte</code>. Les autres propriétés, qui peuvent être fixées dans la partie Designer ou bloc, contrôlent l’apparence et l’emplacement du texte.", "id_hash": -7884048367777466572, "content_hash": 1750171609592498597, "location": "", "context": "LabelHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 47, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 36, "priority": 100, "id": 223550, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=12963bc7eea03734", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223550/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10768/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "A sensor component that can measure the light level.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 4373615525006679179, "content_hash": -8411517293883866249, "location": "", "context": "LightSensorHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 48, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 9, "priority": 100, "id": 223551, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=bcb23425c8281c8b", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223551/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10769/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "LineString is a component for drawing an open, continuous sequence of lines on a Map. To add new points to a LineString in the designer, drag the midpoint of any segment away from the line to introduce a new vertex. Move a vertex by clicking and dragging the vertex to a new location. Clicking on a vertex will delete the vertex, unless only two remain.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 5717626913406092744, "content_hash": 6492430382359619855, "location": "", "context": "LineStringHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 49, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 65, "priority": 100, "id": 223552, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=cf5917626bc885c8", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223552/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10770/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "A visible component that indicates the progress of an operation using an animated linear bar.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Un composant visible qui indique la progression d'une opération à l'aide d'une barre linéaire animée.", "id_hash": -7750710632640869748, "content_hash": -2605824965195821025, "location": "", "context": "LinearProgressHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 50, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 15, "priority": 100, "id": 223553, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=146ff1bea0990a8c", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223553/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10771/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>A button that, when clicked on, displays a list of texts for the user to choose among. The texts can be specified through the Designer or Blocks Editor by setting the <code>ElementsFromString</code> property to their string-separated concatenation (for example, <em>choice 1, choice 2, choice 3</em>) or by setting the <code>Elements</code> property to a List in the Blocks editor.</p><p>Setting property ShowFilterBar to true, will make the list searchable. Other properties affect the appearance of the button (<code>TextAlignment</code>, <code>BackgroundColor</code>, etc.) and whether it can be clicked on (<code>Enabled</code>).</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p>Un bouton qui, quand cliqué, affiche à l’utilisateur une liste de textes pour choisir. Les textes peuvent être spécifiés dans la partie Designer ou la partie bloc en fixant la propriété <code>Éléments de chaîne</code> (par exemple, <em>choix 1, choix 2, choix 3</em>) ou en fixant la propriété <code>Éléments</code> à une liste dans la partie bloc.</p><p>Fixer la propriété Affichage bar filtrage à Vrai, va rendre possible la recherche dans la liste. D’autres propriétés affectent l’apparence du bouton (<code>alignement texte</code>, <code>Couleur de fond</code>, etc.) et s’il est possible de cliquer dessus(<code>Activé</code>).</p>", "id_hash": 2240803212443483471, "content_hash": 4165253287103523392, "location": "", "context": "ListPickerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 51, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 86, "priority": 100, "id": 223554, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=9f18eea6413f7d4f", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223554/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10772/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>This is a visible component that displays a list of text and image elements.</p> <p>Simple lists of strings may be set using the ElementsFromString property. More complex lists of elements containing multiple strings and/or images can be created using the ListData and ListViewLayout properties. </p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p> C’est un composant visible qui permet de placer une liste d’élément texte dans votre écran pour afficher. <br> La liste peut être fixée en utilisant la propriété Éléments de chaîne ou utiliser le bloc élément dans la partie bloc.<br> Avertissement: Ce composant ne va pas bien marcher dans les écrans qui peuvent défiler.</p>", "id_hash": -1934603873559941336, "content_hash": -4510519067735228420, "location": "", "context": "ListViewHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 52, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": true, "num_words": 45, "priority": 100, "id": 223555, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=6526e806e75d6f28", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223555/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10773/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "Non-visible component providing location information, including longitude, latitude, altitude (if supported by the device), speed (if supported by the device), and address. This can also perform \"geocoding\", converting a given address (not necessarily the current one) to a latitude (with the <code>LatitudeFromAddress</code> method) and a longitude (with the <code>LongitudeFromAddress</code> method).</p><p>In order to function, the component must have its <code>Enabled</code> property set to True, and the device must have location sensing enabled through wireless networks or GPS satellites (if outdoors).</p>Location information might not be immediately available when an app starts. You''ll have to wait a short time for a location provider to be found and used, or wait for the LocationChanged event", "previous_source": "", "target": "Composant non visible qui donne les informations sur la position, comme la longitude, la latitude, l’altitude (si c’est supporté par l’appareil), et l''adresse. ça permet aussi le \"géo-codage\", en convertissant une adresse donnée (pas nécessairement l’adresse courante) à une latitude (avec la méthode <code>Latitude de Adresse</code>) et longitude (avec la méthode <code>Longitude à partir d''adresse</code>).</p>\n<p>Pour fonctionner, le composant doit avoir la propriété <code>Activé</code> fixé à Vrai, et le capteur de localisation doit être activé dans l’appareil à travers le GPS ou WIFI (si dehors).</p>\nLes informations de localisation peuvent ne pas être disponible immédiatement quand l’application se lance. Vous devriez attendre un peu de temps pour qu''un fournisseur de localisation soit trouvé et utilisé, ou vous devriez attendre l’évènement Position changée.", "id_hash": -7295203966615291861, "content_hash": 3813212925327229822, "location": "", "context": "LocationSensorHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 53, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": true, "num_words": 111, "priority": 100, "id": 223556, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=1ac23aa4dddff82b", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223556/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10774/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>Non-visible component that measures the ambient geomagnetic field for all three physical axes (x, y, z) in Tesla https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_(unit).</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": -1681831609771174042, "content_hash": -4557515240675368399, "location": "", "context": "MagneticFieldSensorHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 54, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 19, "priority": 100, "id": 223557, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=68a8ef0fc790d766", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223557/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10775/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>A two-dimensional container that renders map tiles in the background and allows for multiple Marker elements to identify points on the map. Map tiles are supplied by OpenStreetMap contributors and the United States Geological Survey.</p><p>The Map component provides three utilities for manipulating its boundaries within App Inventor. First, a locking mechanism is provided to allow the map to be moved relative to other components on the Screen. Second, when unlocked, the user can pan the Map to any location. At this new location, the "Set Initial Boundary" button can be pressed to save the current Map coordinates to its properties. Lastly, if the Map is moved to a different location, for example to add Markers off-screen, then the "Reset Map to Initial Bounds" button can be used to re-center the Map at the starting location.</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": -5425878344248163787, "content_hash": -4827689483395129189, "location": "", "context": "MapHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 55, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 135, "priority": 100, "id": 223558, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=34b36864b89a8235", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223558/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10776/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>An icon positioned at a point to indicate information on a map. Markers can be used to provide an info window, custom fill and stroke colors, and custom images to convey information to the user.</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": -4731994776075707431, "content_hash": 9032805594538504031, "location": "", "context": "MarkerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 56, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 35, "priority": 100, "id": 223559, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=3e5493d28500dbd9", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223559/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10777/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "Non-visible component that communicates with a Web service and stores media files.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 1058072428480408175, "content_hash": -3446548227393519546, "location": "", "context": "MediaStoreHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 57, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 12, "priority": 100, "id": 223560, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=8eaf07448e35aa6f", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223560/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10778/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "Navigation", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 3401253482658906170, "content_hash": -8222007781060808674, "location": "", "context": "NavigationHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 58, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 1, "priority": 100, "id": 223561, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=af33ae0598f1c03a", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223561/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10779/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "<p>Non-visible component to provide NFC capabilities. For now this component supports the reading and writing of text tags only (if supported by the device)</p><p>In order to read and write text tags, the component must have its <code>ReadMode</code> property set to True or False respectively.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> This component will only work on Screen1 of any App Inventor app.</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p> Composant non visible permettant de fournir les capacités NFC. Pour le moment, ce composant supporte la lecture et l’écriture des tags textes (si c’est supporté par l’appareil) </p><p> pour lire et écrire les tags textes, le composant doit avoir sa propriété <code>Mode lecture</code> fixée à respectivement Vrai ou Faux. </p>", "id_hash": 5563530084463911210, "content_hash": -2241736412264172298, "location": "", "context": "NearFieldHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 59, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": true, "num_words": 56, "priority": 100, "id": 223562, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=cd35a1228daba12a", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223562/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10780/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/fr/?format=api", "source": "The Notifier component displays alert dialogs, messages, and temporary alerts, and creates Android log entries through the following methods: <ul><li> ShowMessageDialog: displays a message which the user must dismiss by pressing a button.</li><li> ShowChooseDialog: displays a message two buttons to let the user choose one of two responses, for example, yes or no, after which the AfterChoosing event is raised.</li><li> ShowTextDialog: lets the user enter text in response to the message, after which the AfterTextInput event is raised. <li> ShowPasswordDialog: lets the user enter password in response to the message, after which the AfterTextInput event is raised. <li> ShowAlert: displays a temporary alert that goes away by itself after a short time.</li><li> ShowProgressDialog: displays an alert with a loading spinner that cannot be dismissed by the user. It can only be dismissed by using the DismissProgressDialog block.</li><li> DismissProgressDialog: Dismisses the progress dialog displayed by ShowProgressDialog.</li><li> LogError: logs an error message to the Android log. </li><li> LogInfo: logs an info message to the Android log.</li><li> LogWarning: logs a warning message to the Android log.</li><li>The messages in the dialogs (but not the alert) can be formatted using the following HTML tags:<b>, <big>, <blockquote>, <br>, <cite>, <dfn>, <div>, <em>, <small>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <tt>. <u></li><li>You can also use the font tag to specify color, for example, <font color=\"blue\">. Some of the available color names are aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow</li></ul>", "previous_source": "", "target": "Le composant de notification affiche des fenêtres d’alertes, messages, des alertes temporaires, et créé les entrée Log Android à travers ces méthodes: <ul><li> Afficher fenêtre message: Affiche un message que l’utilisateur doit rejeter en pressant un bouton </li><li> Afficher fenêtre choix: affiche un message contenant deux boutons pour laisser l’utilisateur choisir une des deux réponses, par exemple, oui ou non, après lequel l’évènement \"Après choix\" est déclenché </li><li> Afficher fenêtre texte: permet à l’utilisateur d’entrer un texte en réponse au message, après lequel l’évènement \"Après entrée du texte\" est déclenché <li> Afficher Alerte: affiche une alerte temporaire qui disparaît automatiquement après un moment.</li><li> Erreur log: log un message d’erreur dans le log Android. </li><li> Info log: Log un message d’info dans le log Android. </li><li> Log avertissement: log un message d’avertissement dans le log Android </li><li> Les messages dans les fenêtres de dialogue (pas l’alerte) peuvent être formatés en utilisant les tag HTML suivant: <b>, <big>, <blockquote>, <br>, <cite>, <dfn>, <div>, <em>, <small>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <tt>. <u></li><li>Vous pouvez aussi utiliser la tag font pour spécifier la couleur, par exemple <font color=\"blue\">. quelques unes des noms de couleurs aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, et yellow</li></ul>", "id_hash": -5913928289856726086, "content_hash": -1936370215788745005, "location": "", "context": "NotifierHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 60, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 239, "priority": 100, "id": 223563, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/fr/?checksum=2ded818dbff4dbba", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/223563/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10781/?format=api" } ] }{ "count": 229, "next": "