Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/units/?format=api
https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/units/?format=api&page=2", "previous": null, "results": [ { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Non-visible component that can detect shaking and measure acceleration approximately in three dimensions using SI units (m/s<sup>2</sup>). The components are: <ul><li> <strong>xAccel</strong>: 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when the phone is tilted to the right (i.e., its left side is raised), and negative when the phone is tilted to the left (i.e., its right size is raised).</li> <li> <strong>yAccel</strong>: 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when its bottom is raised, and negative when its top is raised. </li> <li> <strong>zAccel</strong>: Equal to -9.8 (earth''s gravity in meters per second per second when the device is at rest parallel to the ground with the display facing up, 0 when perpendicular to the ground, and +9.8 when facing down. The value can also be affected by accelerating it with or against gravity. </li></ul>", "previous_source": "", "target": "Componente invisível que mede a aceleração aproximada em três dimensões usando unidades do SI (m/s<sup>2</sup>), e detecta se o telefone está sendo sacudido. Os valores são: <ul> <li><strong>xAcel</strong>: 0 quando o telefone está em repouso sobre uma superfície plana, positivo quando o telefone está inclinado para a direita (ou seja, o lado esquerdo é elevado), e negativo quando o telefone está inclinado para a esquerda (ou seja, o lado direito é elevado)</li> <li><strong>yAcel</strong>:. 0 quando o telefone está em repouso sobre uma superfície plana, positivo quando a base é elevada, e negativo quando o topo é elevado.</li> <li><strong>zAcel</strong>: Igual a -9,8 (acelereação da gravidade na Terra), quando o dispositivo está em repoiso paralelo ao chão com a tela virada para cima, +9,8, quando na mesma situação com a tela para baixo, 0 quando perpendicular ao solo. O valor muda conforme o telefone é acelerados contra ou a favor da gravidade.</li> </ul>", "id_hash": 6400886998768359893, "content_hash": 3305070602576274360, "location": "", "context": "AccelerometerSensorHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 1, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 144, "priority": 100, "id": 226252, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=d8d484cfe10119d5", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226252/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10722/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A component that can launch an activity using the <code>StartActivity</code> method. <p>Activities that can be launched include:<ul> <li> Starting another App Inventor for Android app. To do so, first find out the <em>class</em> of the other application by downloading the source code and using a file explorer or unzip utility to find a file named \"youngandroidproject/project.properties\". The first line of the file will start with \"main=\" and be followed by the class name; for example, <code>main=com.gmail.Bitdiddle.Ben.HelloPurr.Screen1</code>. (The first components indicate that it was created by Ben.Bitdiddle", "previous_source": "", "target": "Um componente que pode lançar uma atividade usando o método <code>IniciarAtividade</code>.<p>Atividades que podem ser lançadas incluem: <ul> <li> iniciar outros apps do App Inventor para Android </li> <li> iniciar o app de câmera </li> <li> fazer uma busca na web </li> <li> abrir um navegador da web em uma página especificada </li> <li> abir o app de mapa em um lugar específico</li></ul> Você pode também lançar atividades que retornem dados textuais. Veja a documentação que usa o IniciadorDeAtividades para exemplos.</p>", "id_hash": -6655185969608387764, "content_hash": -7918337812925819732, "location": "", "context": "ActivityStarterHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 2, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 86, "priority": 100, "id": 226253, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=23a4079f0f54134c", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226253/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10723/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A component that contains anomaly detection models", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 7171671276814156282, "content_hash": 6844281919820050944, "location": "", "context": "AnomalyDetectionHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 3, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 7, "priority": 100, "id": 226254, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=e386e507746141fa", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226254/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10724/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "<p>A round ''sprite'' that can be placed on a <code>Canvas</code>, where it can react to touches and drags, interact with other sprites (<code>ImageSprite</code>s and other <code>Ball</code>s) and the edge of the Canvas, and move according to its property values.</p><p>For example, to have a <code>Ball</code> move 4 pixels toward the top of a <code>Canvas</code> every 500 milliseconds (half second), you would set the <code>Speed</code> property to 4 [pixels], the <code>Interval</code> property to 500 [milliseconds], the <code>Heading</code> property to 90 [degrees], and the <code>Enabled</code> property to <code>True</code>.</p><p>The difference between a <code>Ball</code> and an <code>ImageSprite</code> is that the latter can get its appearance from an image file, while a <code>Ball</code>''s appearance can be changed only by varying its <code>PaintColor</code> and <code>Radius</code> properties.</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p>Um \"sprite\" redondo que pode ser colocado em uma <code>Pintura</code>, onde pode reagir a toques e ser arrastado, interagir com outros sprites (<code>SpriteImagem</code>s e outras <code>Bola</code>s), e a borda da pintura, e se mover de acordo com seus valores de propriedade.</p><p>Por exemplo, fazer uma <code>Bola</code> se mover 4 pixels em direção ao topo de uma <code>Pintura</code> a cada 500 milissegundos, você deve ajustar a propriedade <code>Velocidade</code> para 4 [pixels], a propriedade <code>Intervalo</code> para 500 [milissegundos], a propriedade <code>Direção</code> para 90 [graus], e a propriedade <code>Ativado</code> para <code>verdadeiro</code>. Essas e outras propriedades podem ser alteradas a qualquer momento.</p><p>A diferença entre uma Bola e um <code>SpriteImagem</code> é que o último pode obter sua aparência a partir de um arquivo de imagem, enquanto a aparência da Bola pode ser alterada apenas variando suas propriedades <code>CorDePintura</code> e <code>Raio</code></p>", "id_hash": 7449823071733847299, "content_hash": -6909237758358581611, "location": "", "context": "BallHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 4, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": true, "num_words": 119, "priority": 100, "id": 226255, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=e763169ce6349503", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226255/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10725/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Component for using the Barcode Scanner to read a barcode", "previous_source": "", "target": "Componente para reconhecer e ler um código de barras", "id_hash": 8772586106945962968, "content_hash": -5104959584847873566, "location": "", "context": "BarcodeScannerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 5, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 10, "priority": 100, "id": 226256, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=f9be7c95ca0a83d8", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226256/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10726/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A sensor component that can measure the ambient air pressure.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 8488559212697330255, "content_hash": 3604034534974326910, "location": "", "context": "BarometerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 6, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 10, "priority": 100, "id": 226257, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=f5cd6ba12fb1a24f", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226257/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10727/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Bluetooth client component", "previous_source": "", "target": "Componente de cliente Bluetooth", "id_hash": 6177559951036237980, "content_hash": 869985933288712069, "location": "", "context": "BluetoothClientHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 7, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 3, "priority": 100, "id": 226258, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=d5bb1a0b9c31c89c", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226258/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10728/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Bluetooth server component", "previous_source": "", "target": "Componente de servidor Bluetooth", "id_hash": -2200180887099417300, "content_hash": 5774648998924476491, "location": "", "context": "BluetoothServerHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 8, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 3, "priority": 100, "id": 226259, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=61776323e6d5dd2c", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226259/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10729/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Button with the ability to detect clicks. Many aspects of its appearance can be changed, as well as whether it is clickable (<code>Enabled</code>), can be changed in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Botão com a habilidade de detectar cliques. A aparência e disponibilidade (<code>Ativado</code>) do Botão podem ser alterados no Designer ou no Editor de Blocos.", "id_hash": 6461992075833696453, "content_hash": 8387797218365159273, "location": "", "context": "ButtonHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 9, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 34, "priority": 100, "id": 226260, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=d9ad9b8e4d74e0c5", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226260/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10730/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A component to record a video using the device''s camcorder.After the video is recorded, the name of the file on the phone containing the clip is available as an argument to the AfterRecording event. The file name can be used, for example, to set the source property of a VideoPlayer component.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Um componente para gravar um vídeo usando a câmera do dispositivo. Depois do vídeo ser gravado, o nome do arquivo no telefone fica disponível como um argumento para o evento DepoisDeFilmar. O nome do arquivo pode ser usado, por exemplo, para configurar a propriedade do componente ReprodutorDeVídeo.", "id_hash": -5641026152139572246, "content_hash": -472775318287492262, "location": "", "context": "CamcorderHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 10, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 51, "priority": 100, "id": 226261, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=31b70c9a21083bea", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226261/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10731/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A component to take a picture using the device''s camera. After the picture is taken, the name of the file on the phone containing the picture is available as an argument to the AfterPicture event. The file name can be used, for example, to set the Picture property of an Image component.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Um componente para tirar fotos usando a câmera do aparelho. Depois da foto ser tirada, o nome do arquivo no telefone está disponível como um argumento para o evento <code>DepoisDeFotografar</code>. O nome do arquivo pode ser usado, por exemplo, para atribuir a propriedade <code>Imagem</code> de um componente <code>Imagem</code>.", "id_hash": -5308379892507073834, "content_hash": -5904074541193820179, "location": "", "context": "CameraHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 11, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 52, "priority": 100, "id": 226262, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=3654d89cde4a22d6", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226262/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10732/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "<p>A two-dimensional touch-sensitive rectangular panel on which drawing can be done and sprites can be moved.</p> <p>The <code>BackgroundColor</code>, <code>PaintColor</code>, <code>BackgroundImage</code>, <code>Width</code>, and <code>Height</code> of the Canvas can be set in either the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. The <code>Width</code> and <code>Height</code> are measured in pixels and must be positive.</p><p>Any location on the Canvas can be specified as a pair of (X, Y) values, where <ul> <li>X is the number of pixels away from the left edge of the Canvas</li><li>Y is the number of pixels away from the top edge of the Canvas</li></ul>.</p> <p>There are events to tell when and where a Canvas has been touched or a <code>Sprite</code> (<code>ImageSprite</code> or <code>Ball</code>) has been dragged. There are also methods for drawing points, lines, and circles.</p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "<p>Um painel retangular sensível ao toque onde se pode desenhar e animar sprites.</p> <p>As propriedades <code>CorDeFundo</code>, <code>CorDePintura</code>, <code>ImagemDeFundo</code>, <code>Largura</code> e <code>Altura</code> da Pintura podem ser ajustadas no Designer ou no Editor de Blocos. <code>Largura</code> e <code>Altura</code> são medidas em pixels e devem ser positivas.</p> <p>Qualquer local na Pintura pode ser especificado como um par de valores (X, Y), onde <ul> <li>X é o número de pixels de distância da borda esquerda da Pintura</li> <li>Y é o número de pixels de distância da borda superior da Pintura</li> </ul>. </p> <p>Quando a pintura é tocada, ou um <code>Sprite</code> (<code>SpriteImagem</code> ou <code>Bola</code>) é arrastado, eventos são disparados. Existem também métodos para desenhar pontos, linhas e círculos.</p>", "id_hash": 1177868880879766378, "content_hash": 1721160815748715850, "location": "", "context": "CanvasHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 12, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 125, "priority": 100, "id": 226263, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=9058a181acd34b6a", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226263/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10733/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A component that holds (x, y)-coordinate based data", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 989492509479085622, "content_hash": 2698250035751714163, "location": "", "context": "ChartData2DHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 13, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 8, "priority": 100, "id": 226264, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=8dbb6231df692636", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226264/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10734/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A component that allows visualizing data", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 6053375743524776466, "content_hash": 3285669990024049936, "location": "", "context": "ChartHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 14, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 6, "priority": 100, "id": 226265, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=d401e92aa4c2aa12", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226265/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10735/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A Non-visible component for communicating with an AI chat bot. This component currently communicates with a proxy run by MIT which in turn uses OpenAI''s ChatGPT API. This component is considered experimental.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": -3196916305075924341, "content_hash": 694122557216736022, "location": "", "context": "ChatBotHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 15, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 32, "priority": 100, "id": 226266, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=53a2458efb4b928b", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226266/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10736/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Checkbox that raises an event when the user clicks on it. There are many properties affecting its appearance that can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor.", "previous_source": "", "target": "Caixa de seleção que pode disparar um evento quando o usuário clica nela. Possui muitas propriedades que modificam sua aparência e que podem ser atribuídas pelo Designer ou Editor de Blocos.", "id_hash": 5560284663907163902, "content_hash": 7971632595561986638, "location": "", "context": "CheckBoxHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 16, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 28, "priority": 100, "id": 226267, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=cd2a1971323d1efe", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226267/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10737/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Circle", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": -8241033178070520605, "content_hash": -5621843235106276343, "location": "", "context": "CircleHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 17, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 1, "priority": 100, "id": 226268, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=da1f7fcc6e5ece3", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226268/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10738/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "A visible component that indicates the progress of an operation using an animated loop.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 4018990341327290276, "content_hash": 2508060161421114012, "location": "", "context": "CircularProgressHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 18, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 14, "priority": 100, "id": 226269, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=b7c6526c0289ffa4", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226269/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10739/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "<p>Non-visible component that provides the instant in time using the internal clock on the phone. It can fire a timer at regularly set intervals and perform time calculations, manipulations, and conversions.</p> <p>Methods to convert an instant to text are also available. Acceptable patterns are empty string, MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss a, or MMM d, yyyyHH:mm. The empty string will provide the default format, which is \"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a\" for FormatDateTime \"MMM d, yyyy\" for FormatDate. To see all possible format, please see <a href=\"https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html\" _target=\"_blank\">here</a>. </p>", "previous_source": "", "target": "Componente invisível que fornece a data/hora atual usando o relógio interno do telefone. O componente pode disparar um evento em intervalos regulares, e executar cálculos, manipulações, e conversões de tempo. </p> <p>Há também métodos para converter entre instantes de tempo e cadeias de texto: padrões aceitáveis são cadeia vazia, MM/DD/AAAA HH:mm:ss a ou MMM d, aaaa hh:mm. A cadeia vazia irá fornecer o formato padrão, que é \"MMM d, aaaa hh:mm:ss a\" para FormatarDataHora \"MMM d, aaaa\" para FormatarData. Para ver todos os formatos possíveis, veja <a href=\"https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html\" target=\"_blank\">aqui</a> .", "id_hash": -4868466836496991434, "content_hash": -3555294182401965358, "location": "", "context": "ClockHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "position": 19, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": true, "num_words": 86, "priority": 100, "id": 226270, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=3c6fbb34d9d3bb36", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226270/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10740/?format=api" }, { "translation": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/translations/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?format=api", "source": "Non-visible component allowing you to store data on a Internet connected database server (using Redis software). This allows the users of your App to share data with each other. By default data will be stored in a server maintained by MIT, however you can setup and run your own server. Set the \"RedisServer\" property and \"RedisPort\" Property to access your own server.", "previous_source": "", "target": "", "id_hash": 3854779907392159322, "content_hash": -521349578889813530, "location": "", "context": "CloudDBHelpStringComponentPallette", "comment": "", "flags": "", "fuzzy": false, "translated": false, "position": 20, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 62, "priority": 100, "id": 226271, "web_url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/translate/appinventor/component-info/pt_BR/?checksum=b57eede6fb6c3e5a", "url": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/units/226271/?format=api", "source_info": "https://weblate.appinventor.mit.edu/api/sources/10741/?format=api" } ] }{ "count": 229, "next": "