Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-info/zh_Hans/units/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Non-visible component that can detect shaking and measure acceleration approximately in three dimensions using SI units (m/s<sup>2</sup>). The components are: <ul><li> <strong>xAccel</strong>: 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when the phone is tilted to the right (i.e., its left side is raised), and negative when the phone is tilted to the left (i.e., its right size is raised).</li> <li> <strong>yAccel</strong>: 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when its bottom is raised, and negative when its top is raised. </li> <li> <strong>zAccel</strong>: Equal to -9.8 (earth''s gravity in meters per second per second when the device is at rest parallel to the ground with the display facing up, 0 when perpendicular to the ground, and +9.8 when facing down. The value can also be affected by accelerating it with or against gravity. </li></ul>",
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            "target": "<p>非可视组件,可以用于侦测晃动,并测出加速度三个维度分量的近似值,单位为米/秒<sup>2</sup>(m/s<sup>2</sup>),分别为:</p><ul><li><strong>X分量</strong>: 当手机在平面上静止时,其值为零;当手机向左倾斜时(即,右侧升起),其值为正;而向右倾斜时(左侧升起),其值为负。</li><li><strong>Y分量</strong>: 当手机在平面上静止时,其值为零;当手机顶部抬起时,其值为正;而当底部抬起时,其值为负。</li><li><strong>Z分量</strong>: 当设备屏幕朝上地静止在与地面平行的平面上时,其值为9.8(地球的重力加速度);当垂直于地面时,其值为0;当屏幕朝下时,其值为-9.8。无论是否由于重力的原因,让手机加速运动,就会改变它的加速度分量值。</li></ul>",
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            "source": "A component that can launch an activity using the <code>StartActivity</code> method. <p>Activities that can be launched include:<ul> <li> Starting another App Inventor for Android app. To do so, first find out the <em>class</em> of the other application by downloading the source code and using a file explorer or unzip utility to find a file named \"youngandroidproject/\". The first line of the file will start with \"main=\" and be followed by the class name; for example, <code></code>. (The first components indicate that it was created by Ben.Bitdiddle",
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            "target": "<p>该组件通过调用<code>启动活动对象()方法</code>,启动一个Android活动对象。</p><p>可被启动的活动包括:</p><ul><li>启动由App Inventor创建的其他应用</li>首先找到其他应用的类(Class),下载原代码,使用解压缩软件,找到文件名\"youngandroidproject/\"。文件第一行以\"main=\"开始,接下来的就是类名。比如,类名就是</ul>",
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            "source": "A component that contains anomaly detection models",
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            "target": "含有异常检测模型的组件",
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            "source": "<p>A round ''sprite'' that can be placed on a <code>Canvas</code>, where it can react to touches and drags, interact with other sprites (<code>ImageSprite</code>s and other <code>Ball</code>s) and the edge of the Canvas, and move according to its property values.</p><p>For example, to have a <code>Ball</code> move 4 pixels toward the top of a <code>Canvas</code> every 500 milliseconds (half second), you would set the <code>Speed</code> property to 4 [pixels], the <code>Interval</code> property to 500 [milliseconds], the <code>Heading</code> property to 90 [degrees], and the <code>Enabled</code> property to <code>True</code>.</p><p>The difference between a <code>Ball</code> and an <code>ImageSprite</code> is that the latter can get its appearance from an image file, while a <code>Ball</code>''s appearance can be changed only by varying its <code>PaintColor</code> and <code>Radius</code> properties.</p>",
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            "target": "<p>该组件是一个圆形的精灵,可被放置在<code>画布</code>上,并与外界进行交互,共有三种交互方式:</p><ol><li>用户可以通过触摸及拖拽的方式与之交互;</li><li>与其他精灵(包括图片精灵及其他球)之间通过碰撞的方式交互;</li><li>与画布的边缘之间的交互。</li></ol><p>该组件会依据自身的属性值进行移动。例如,想让球在每500毫秒(半秒钟)的时间里向画布的顶部移动4个像素,就可以将球的速度属性设置为4[像素],时间间隔属性设置为500[毫秒],方向属性设置为90[度],并将启用属性设置为真。</p><p>球组件与图像精灵组件之间的差别在于,后者可以通过设置图像属性来改变自己的外观,而球的外观只能通过改变它的颜色及半径来实现。</p>",
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            "source": "Component for using the Barcode Scanner to read a barcode",
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            "target": "利用条码扫描器读取条码信息的组件",
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            "source": "A sensor component that can measure the ambient air pressure.",
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            "target": "测量周围空气压力的传感器组件。",
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            "source": "Bluetooth server component",
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            "target": "蓝牙服务器组件",
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            "source": "Button with the ability to detect clicks. Many aspects of its appearance can be changed, as well as whether it is clickable (<code>Enabled</code>), can be changed in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor.",
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            "target": "用户通过触碰按钮来完成应用中的某些动作。按钮可以感知用户的触碰;可以改变按钮的某些外观特性。如<code>启用</code>属性可以决定按钮是否能够感知到触碰。",
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            "source": "A component to record a video using the device''s camcorder.After the video is recorded, the name of the file on the phone containing the clip is available as an argument to the AfterRecording event. The file name can be used, for example, to set the source property of a VideoPlayer component.",
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            "target": "该组件可以利用设备的摄像机记录视频。记录完成后,将触发录制完成事件,记录的视频剪辑保存在设备上,其文件名将成为事件的参数。文件名也可以被设定为某个视频播放组件的源属性。",
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            "source": "A component to take a picture using the device''s camera. After the picture is taken, the name of the file on the phone containing the picture is available as an argument to the AfterPicture event. The file name can be used, for example, to set the Picture property of an Image component.",
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            "target": "照相机组件是非可视组件,可以使用设备上的照相机进行拍照。拍照结束后将触发拍照完成事件,照片保存在设备中,其文件名将成为事件的参数。该文件也可以作为某个图像组件的图片属性。",
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            "source": "<p>A two-dimensional touch-sensitive rectangular panel on which drawing can be done and sprites can be moved.</p> <p>The <code>BackgroundColor</code>, <code>PaintColor</code>, <code>BackgroundImage</code>, <code>Width</code>, and <code>Height</code> of the Canvas can be set in either the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. The <code>Width</code> and <code>Height</code> are measured in pixels and must be positive.</p><p>Any location on the Canvas can be specified as a pair of (X, Y) values, where <ul> <li>X is the number of pixels away from the left edge of the Canvas</li><li>Y is the number of pixels away from the top edge of the Canvas</li></ul>.</p> <p>There are events to tell when and where a Canvas has been touched or a <code>Sprite</code> (<code>ImageSprite</code> or <code>Ball</code>) has been dragged. There are also methods for drawing points, lines, and circles.</p>",
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            "target": "<p>一个二维的、具有触感的矩形面板,可以在其中绘画,或让精灵在其中移动。</p><p>可以在设计或编程视图中设置其背景色、画笔颜色、背景图、宽、高等属性。宽和高必须为正值,以像素为单位。</p><p>画布上的任何一点都可以表示为一对坐标(x,y),其中</p><ul><li>x表示该点距离画布左边界的像素数</li><li>y表示该店画布距离上边界的像素数</li></ul><p>画布可以感知触摸事件,并获知触碰点,也可以感知对其中精灵(图像精灵或球)的拖拽。此外,组件还具有画点、画线及画圆的方法。</p>",
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            "source": "A component that holds (x, y)-coordinate based data",
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            "target": "该组件用于保存[x,y]坐标的数据",
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            "source": "A component that allows visualizing data",
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            "target": "图表组件可以用来可视化数据",
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            "source": "A Non-visible component for communicating with an AI chat bot. This component currently communicates with a proxy run by MIT which in turn uses OpenAI''s ChatGPT API. This component is considered experimental.",
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            "target": "不可见组件。用于与AI对话机器人通信。目前设置为与MIT运行的使用了OpenAI的ChatGPT接口的代理服务器通信。该组件为实验性质。",
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            "source": "Checkbox that raises an event when the user clicks on it. There are many properties affecting its appearance that can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor.",
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            "target": "选择框组件供用户在两种状态中做出选择。当用户触摸选择框时,将触发响应的事件。可以在设计视窗及编程视窗中设置它的属性,从而改变它的外观。",
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            "source": "Circle",
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            "source": "A visible component that indicates the progress of an operation using an animated loop.",
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            "target": "可视组件。使用转动的圆环来表示操作的进度。",
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            "source": "<p>Non-visible component that provides the instant in time using the internal clock on the phone. It can fire a timer at regularly set intervals and perform time calculations, manipulations, and conversions.</p> <p>Methods to convert an instant to text are also available. Acceptable patterns are empty string, MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss a, or MMM d, yyyyHH:mm. The empty string will provide the default format, which is \"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a\" for FormatDateTime \"MMM d, yyyy\" for FormatDate. To see all possible format, please see <a href=\"\" _target=\"_blank\">here</a>. </p>",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "<p>非可视组件,使用手机时钟提供时间时刻。还可以根据设定的时间间隔引发'到达计时点'事件,可以计算、操控、转换时间。</p><p>提供转换时刻到文本方法。接受的模式文本可以为空文本,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss a',或者'MMM d, yyyyHH:mm'。空文本表示默认格式\"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a\" (格化式日期时间时)或者\"MMM d, yyyy\"(格式化日期时)。 <a href=\"\" _target=\"_blank\">访问这里</a>以了解所有可用的格式。</p>",
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            "source": "Non-visible component allowing you to store data on a Internet connected database server (using Redis software). This allows the users of your App to share data with each other. By default data will be stored in a server maintained by MIT, however you can setup and run your own server. Set the \"RedisServer\" property and \"RedisPort\" Property to access your own server.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "不可见组件。用于存储数据到互联网上的Redis数据库服务器。可以让用户分享数据。默认的,数据被保存在MIT维护的服务器上。但是你可以搭建自己的服务器。设置'Redis服务器'和'Redis端口'属性来访问你自己的服务器。",
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