Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-info/zh_Hans/units/?format=api&page=6
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "source": "<p>A formatting element in which to place components that should be displayed one below another. (The first child component is stored on top, the second beneath it, etc.) If you wish to have components displayed next to one another, use <code>HorizontalArrangement</code> instead.</p><p> This version is scrollable",
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            "target": "<p>垂直布局组件可以实现内部组件自上而下的垂直排列,第一个的组件在顶部,后面的组件依次向下排列。如果希望内部组件自左向右排列,则需使用水平布局组件。</p><p>本组件可以滚动。</p>",
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            "source": "A multimedia component capable of playing videos. When the application is run, the VideoPlayer will be displayed as a rectangle on-screen. If the user touches the rectangle, controls will appear to play/pause, skip ahead, and skip backward within the video. The application can also control behavior by calling the <code>Start</code>, <code>Pause</code>, and <code>SeekTo</code> methods. <p>Video files should be in 3GPP (.3gp) or MPEG-4 (.mp4) formats. For more details about legal formats, see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Android Supported Media Formats</a>.</p><p>App Inventor for Android only permits video files under 1 MB and limits the total size of an application to 5 MB, not all of which is available for media (video, audio, and sound) files. If your media files are too large, you may get errors when packaging or installing your application, in which case you should reduce the number of media files or their sizes. Most video editing software, such as Windows Movie Maker and Apple iMovie, can help you decrease the size of videos by shortening them or re-encoding the video into a more compact format.</p><p>You can also set the media source to a URL that points to a streaming video, but the URL must point to the video file itself, not to a program that plays the video.",
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            "target": "<p>该组件用于播放视频的多媒体组件,在应用中显示为一个矩形方框,用户触摸矩形时,将出现控制箭头:播放/暂停、快进、快退。应用中也可以使用播放, 暂停, and 寻找等方法来控制播放。</p><p>视频文件必须为.wmv、.3gp或.mp4格式,关于媒体格式的详细内容,参见<a href=\"http:////\" target=\"_blank\">Android设备支持的媒体文件格式。</a></p><p>App Inventor for Android限定单个视频文件不能超过1MB,应用的总量不能超过5MB,而且5MB不能都用于媒体文件。如果你的媒体文件过大,程序打包时会出错,或者无法安装应用,届时需要减少媒体文件的数量或文件的大小。有许多视频编辑软件,如windows中的Movie Maker以及苹果上的iMovie,可以帮你消减文件的大小,方法是让视频变短,或者采用更高效的压缩格式。</p><p>你也可以将播放组件的源属性设置为URL地址,来播放网络上的视频资源,但URL必须指向视频文件本身,而不是视频播放程序。</p>",
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            "source": "The Voting component communicates with a Web service to retrieve a ballot and send back users'' votes. <p>The application should call the method <code>RequestBallot</code>, usually in the <code>Initialize</code> event handler, in order to get the ballot question and options from the Web service (specified by the <code>ServiceURL</code> property). Depending on the response from the Web service, the system will raise one of the following three events: <ol> <li> <code>GotBallot</code>, indicating that the ballot question and options were retrieved and the properties <code>BallotQuestion</code> and <code>BallotOptions</code> have been set.</li> <li> <code>NoOpenPoll</code>, indicating that no ballot question is available.</li> <li> <code>WebServiceError</code>, indicating that the service did not provide a legal response and providing an error messages.</li> </ol></p> <p>After getting the ballot, the application should allow the user to make a choice from among <code>BallotOptions</code> and set the property <code>UserChoice</code> to that choice. The application should also set <code>UserId</code> to specify which user is voting.</p> <p>Once the application has set <code>UserChoice</code> and <code>UserId</code>, the application can call <code>SendBallot</code> to send this information to the Web service. If the service successfully receives the vote, the event <code>GotBallotConfirmation</code> will be raised. Otherwise, the event <code>WebServiceError</code> will be raised with the appropriate error message.</p>",
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            "target": "该组件通过网络服务实现用户投票以及查询投票结果的功能",
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            "source": "Non-visible component that provides functions for HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests.",
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            "target": "非可视组件,用于发送HTTP的GET、POST、PUT及DELETE请求。",
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            "source": "Component for viewing Web pages. The Home URL can be specified in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. The view can be set to follow links when they are tapped, and users can fill in Web forms. Warning: This is not a full browser. For example, pressing the phone''s hardware Back key will exit the app, rather than move back in the browser history.<p />You can use the WebViewer.WebViewString property to communicate between your app and Javascript code running in the Webviewer page. In the app, you get and set WebViewString. In the WebViewer, you include Javascript that references the window.AppInventor object, using the methoods </em getWebViewString()</em> and <em>setWebViewString(text)</em>. <p />For example, if the WebViewer opens to a page that contains the Javascript command <br /> <em>document.write(\"The answer is\" + window.AppInventor.getWebViewString());</em> <br />and if you set WebView.WebVewString to \"hello\", then the web page will show </br ><em>The answer is hello</em>. <br />And if the Web page contains Javascript that executes the command <br /><em>window.AppInventor.setWebViewString(\"hello from Javascript\")</em>, <br />then the value of the WebViewString property will be <br /><em>hello from Javascript</em>.",
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            "target": "<p>该组件用于浏览网页,可以在设计或编程视图中设置默认的访问地址(URL),可以设定视窗内的链接是否可以响应用户的点击而转到新的页面。用户可以在视窗中填写表单。</p><p>警告:本视窗并非浏览器,当点击设备上的“返回”键时,将退出应用,而不是循历史记录回到上个页面。</p>可以使用'页面交换字串'在应用和网页中的Javascript进行通信。在应用中,可以设置和读取'页面交换字串'。在网页浏览器中,可以运行 window.AppInventor.getWebViewString()读取页面交换字串,用window.AppInventor.setWebViewString(text)设置页面交换字串。",
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            "source": "Use this component to translate words and sentences between different languages. This component needs Internet access, as it will request translations to the Yandex.Translate service. Specify the source and target language in the form source-target using two letter language codes. So\"en-es\" will translate from English to Spanish while \"es-ru\" will translate from Spanish to Russian. If you leave out the source language, the service will attempt to detect the source language. So providing just \"es\" will attempt to detect the source language and translate it to Spanish.<p /> This component is powered by the Yandex translation service. See for more information, including the list of available languages and the meanings of the language codes and status codes. <p />Note: Translation happens asynchronously in the background. When the translation is complete, the \"GotTranslation\" event is triggered.",
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            "target": "用于将单词和语句翻译为不同语言的组件,基于Yandex的相关网络服务。",
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