Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/appinventor/component-info/zh_Hant/units/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Non-visible component that can detect shaking and measure acceleration approximately in three dimensions using SI units (m/s<sup>2</sup>). The components are: <ul><li> <strong>xAccel</strong>: 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when the phone is tilted to the right (i.e., its left side is raised), and negative when the phone is tilted to the left (i.e., its right size is raised).</li> <li> <strong>yAccel</strong>: 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when its bottom is raised, and negative when its top is raised. </li> <li> <strong>zAccel</strong>: Equal to -9.8 (earth''s gravity in meters per second per second when the device is at rest parallel to the ground with the display facing up, 0 when perpendicular to the ground, and +9.8 when facing down. The value can also be affected by accelerating it with or against gravity. </li></ul>",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "本元件是用於偵測晃動與測量三軸約略加速度的不可見元件,加速度單位為(m/s<sup>2</sup>)。三軸的定義分別為:<ul><li><strong>X分量</strong>:當手機靜置於平面時,本值為0;當手機向右傾斜(左側較高),本值為正;而向左傾斜時(右側較高),本值為負。</li> <li><strong>Y分量</strong>:當手機靜置於平面時,本值為0;當下端(話筒)較高時,本值為正;而當上端(聽筒)較高時,本值為負。</li> <li><strong>Z分量</strong>:當手機螢幕朝上時,本值約為 -9.8 (地心引力,單位為m/s平方);當手機垂直於地面時,本值為0;當螢幕朝下時,本值為 9.8。無論是否由於重力的原因,當手機處於運動狀態時,這些數值就會改變。</li></ul>",
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            "source": "A component that can launch an activity using the <code>StartActivity</code> method. <p>Activities that can be launched include:<ul> <li> Starting another App Inventor for Android app. To do so, first find out the <em>class</em> of the other application by downloading the source code and using a file explorer or unzip utility to find a file named \"youngandroidproject/\". The first line of the file will start with \"main=\" and be followed by the class name; for example, <code></code>. (The first components indicate that it was created by Ben.Bitdiddle",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "<p>該元件透過呼叫<code>啟動活動對象()方法</code>,啟動一個Android的Activity(就是app)。</p><p>可被啟動的對象包括:</p><ul><li>啟動由App Inventor建立的其他應用</li><li>啟動照相機應用</li><li>執行網路搜尋</li><li>在瀏覽器中打開指定網頁</li><li>以指定座標位置打開Google地圖</li></ul><p>還可用來傳遞文字資料給其他app。ActivityStarter的具體應用實例請參照相關文件。</p>",
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            "source": "A component that contains anomaly detection models",
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            "target": "本元件包含了可偵測異常值的模型",
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            "source": "<p>A round ''sprite'' that can be placed on a <code>Canvas</code>, where it can react to touches and drags, interact with other sprites (<code>ImageSprite</code>s and other <code>Ball</code>s) and the edge of the Canvas, and move according to its property values.</p><p>For example, to have a <code>Ball</code> move 4 pixels toward the top of a <code>Canvas</code> every 500 milliseconds (half second), you would set the <code>Speed</code> property to 4 [pixels], the <code>Interval</code> property to 500 [milliseconds], the <code>Heading</code> property to 90 [degrees], and the <code>Enabled</code> property to <code>True</code>.</p><p>The difference between a <code>Ball</code> and an <code>ImageSprite</code> is that the latter can get its appearance from an image file, while a <code>Ball</code>''s appearance can be changed only by varying its <code>PaintColor</code> and <code>Radius</code> properties.</p>",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "<p>本元件是只能被放置在<code>畫布</code>上的圓形精靈,可回應使用者的觸碰/拖曳、與其他精靈(<code>圖像精靈</code>或其他<code>球形精靈</code>)以及畫布邊緣來互動,還可以根據本身的屬性值來移動。</p><p>例如,想讓<code>球形精靈</code>每500毫秒(半秒鐘)向<code>畫布</code>上方移動4個像素的話,請把其<code>速度</code>屬性設定為4[像素],<code>時間間隔</code>屬性設定為500[毫秒],<code>指向</code>屬性設定為90[度],並將<code>啟用</code>屬性設定為<code>真</code>。</p><p><code>球形精靈</code>與<code>圖像精靈</code>元件的差別在於,後者可以通過設定圖片屬性來改變自己的外觀,而<code>球形精靈</code>只能改變它的<code>顏色</code>與<code>半徑屬性</code>來調整。</p>",
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            "source": "Component for using the Barcode Scanner to read a barcode",
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            "target": "利用已安裝的條碼掃描器來讀取條碼訊息的元件",
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            "source": "A sensor component that can measure the ambient air pressure.",
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            "target": "可量測周圍空氣壓力的感測器元件。",
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            "source": "Bluetooth client component",
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            "target": "藍牙用戶端元件",
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            "source": "Bluetooth server component",
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            "target": "藍牙伺服器元件",
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            "source": "Button with the ability to detect clicks. Many aspects of its appearance can be changed, as well as whether it is clickable (<code>Enabled</code>), can be changed in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor.",
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            "target": "使用者透過點選、按壓、放開…按鈕來執行應用中的某些動作。按鈕可以偵測使用者的動作;也可以改變按鈕的某些外觀特性。如<code>啟用</code>屬性可以決定按鈕是否可操作。",
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            "source": "A component to record a video using the device''s camcorder.After the video is recorded, the name of the file on the phone containing the clip is available as an argument to the AfterRecording event. The file name can be used, for example, to set the source property of a VideoPlayer component.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "該元件可以利用裝置的攝影機錄影。錄影完成後會觸發錄製完成事件,並把記錄的影片儲存在裝置上,該檔案名稱就是本事件的參數。檔案名稱也可以被設定為某個影片播放元件的影片來源。",
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            "source": "A component to take a picture using the device''s camera. After the picture is taken, the name of the file on the phone containing the picture is available as an argument to the AfterPicture event. The file name can be used, for example, to set the Picture property of an Image component.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "照相機元件是不可見元件,可以使用裝置上的照相機進行拍照。拍照結束後會觸發拍照完成事件,並把照片儲存在裝置中,該檔案名稱就是本事件的參數。該檔案名稱也可以作為某個圖像元件的圖片屬性。",
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            "source": "<p>A two-dimensional touch-sensitive rectangular panel on which drawing can be done and sprites can be moved.</p> <p>The <code>BackgroundColor</code>, <code>PaintColor</code>, <code>BackgroundImage</code>, <code>Width</code>, and <code>Height</code> of the Canvas can be set in either the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. The <code>Width</code> and <code>Height</code> are measured in pixels and must be positive.</p><p>Any location on the Canvas can be specified as a pair of (X, Y) values, where <ul> <li>X is the number of pixels away from the left edge of the Canvas</li><li>Y is the number of pixels away from the top edge of the Canvas</li></ul>.</p> <p>There are events to tell when and where a Canvas has been touched or a <code>Sprite</code> (<code>ImageSprite</code> or <code>Ball</code>) has been dragged. There are also methods for drawing points, lines, and circles.</p>",
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            "target": "<p>一個可觸控的平面長方形區域,可以在其上繪畫,或讓球形精靈與圖像精靈在其中移動。</p><p>您可以在「畫面編排」或「程式設計」視窗中設定其 <code>背景顏色</code>、 <code>畫筆顏色</code>、<code>背景圖片</code>、<code>寬度</code>、<code>高度</code>等屬性。<code>寬度</code>和<code>高度</code>必須為正數,以像素為單位。</p><p>畫布上的任何一點皆都以座標(x,y)表示,其中<ul><li>X表示該點距離畫布左邊界的像素數</li><li>Y表示該點距離畫布上邊界的像素數</li></ul>。</p> <p>畫布具備觸碰事件來得知本身在何時與何處被觸碰、或<code>精靈</code>(包含<code>圖像精靈</code>與<code>球形精靈</code>)是否被拖曳等。此外,畫布元件還具有畫點、畫線與畫圓等各種繪製方法。</p>",
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            "source": "A component that holds (x, y)-coordinate based data",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "本元件可存放以 (x, y) 坐標格式的資料",
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            "source": "A component that allows visualizing data",
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            "target": "本元件可用於視覺化呈現資料",
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            "source": "A Non-visible component for communicating with an AI chat bot. This component currently communicates with a proxy run by MIT which in turn uses OpenAI''s ChatGPT API. This component is considered experimental.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "用於與 AI 對話機器人通訊的不可見元件。本元件目前是連到 MIT 的代理伺服器,再由伺服器來呼叫 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT API。本元件目前為測試性元件。",
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            "source": "Checkbox that raises an event when the user clicks on it. There are many properties affecting its appearance that can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor.",
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            "target": "核取方塊元件供使用者在兩種狀態中做出選擇。當使用者點選核取方塊時會觸發回應事件。您可以在外觀編排及程式設計視窗中設定它的屬性,從而改變它的外觀。",
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            "id": 228328,
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            "source": "Circle",
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            "target": "圓形",
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            "source": "A visible component that indicates the progress of an operation using an animated loop.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "使用圓圈動畫來呈現運算過程的可視元件。",
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            "id": 228330,
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            "source": "<p>Non-visible component that provides the instant in time using the internal clock on the phone. It can fire a timer at regularly set intervals and perform time calculations, manipulations, and conversions.</p> <p>Methods to convert an instant to text are also available. Acceptable patterns are empty string, MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss a, or MMM d, yyyyHH:mm. The empty string will provide the default format, which is \"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a\" for FormatDateTime \"MMM d, yyyy\" for FormatDate. To see all possible format, please see <a href=\"\" _target=\"_blank\">here</a>. </p>",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "<p>本元件屬於不可見元件,可運用裝置上的內部時裝來提供一個時刻。它能以固定的時間間隔來觸發事件,並執行實現各種時間相關運算與轉換。</p><p>本元件提供了時刻與文字相互轉換的方法。可接受的格式為空字串,MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss a 或 MMM d, yyyyHH:mm。預設格式為空字串,FormatDateTime 則為  \"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a\",FormatDate 則是 \"MMM d, yyyy\"。所有可用的格式請參考 <a href=\"\" _target=\"_blank\">here</a>。</p>",
            "id_hash": -4868466836496991434,
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            "id": 228331,
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            "translation": "",
            "source": "Non-visible component allowing you to store data on a Internet connected database server (using Redis software). This allows the users of your App to share data with each other. By default data will be stored in a server maintained by MIT, however you can setup and run your own server. Set the \"RedisServer\" property and \"RedisPort\" Property to access your own server.",
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": "本元件屬於不可見元件,可讓您將資料儲存在已連網的資料庫伺服器上(使用Redis軟體)。這可讓您的 app 使用者可以共享資料。預設情況下,資料是儲存在由 MIT 維護的伺服器上,但是您也可以自行設置和運行專屬的伺服器。請修改 \"RedisServer\" 和 \" RedisPort\" 這兩個屬性欄位來改用您自己的伺服器。",
            "id_hash": 3854779907392159322,
            "content_hash": -521349578889813530,
            "location": "",
            "context": "CloudDBHelpStringComponentPallette",
            "comment": "",
            "flags": "",
            "fuzzy": false,
            "translated": true,
            "position": 20,
            "has_suggestion": false,
            "has_comment": false,
            "has_failing_check": false,
            "num_words": 62,
            "priority": 100,
            "id": 228332,
            "web_url": "",
            "url": "",
            "source_info": ""