Accept an incoming connection with the Serial Port Profile (SPP).
Accept an incoming connection with a specific UUID.
Given a list of values as `data`, appends the values to the next empty column of the sheet.
Returns an instant in time some days after the given instant.
Returns an instant in time some duration after the argument
Adds an entry with the specified x and y value. Values can be specified as text, or as numbers. For Line, Scatter, Area and Bar Charts, both values should represent a number. For Bar charts, the x value is rounded to the nearest integer. For Pie Charts, the x value is a text value.
Returns an instant in time some hours after the given instant.
Returns an instant in time some minutes after the given instant.
Returns an instant in time some months after the given instant.
Given a list of values as `data`, appends the values to the next empty row of the sheet. Additionally, this returns the row number for the new row.
Returns an instant in time some seconds after the given instant.
Adds a new sheet inside the Spreadsheet.
Returns An instant in time some weeks after the given instant.
Returns an instant in time some years after the given instant.
Appends text to the end of a file storage, creating the file if it does not exist. See the help text under SaveFile for information about where files are written.
Append a value to the end of a list atomically. If two devices use this function simultaneously, both will be appended and no data lost.
Append a value to the end of a list atomically. If two devices use this function simultaneously, both will be appended and no data lost.
Ask the user to grant access to a dangerous permission.
Redirects user to login to Twitter via the Web browser using the OAuth protocol if we don''t already have authorization.
Makes the Ball bounce, as if off a wall. For normal bouncing, the edge argument should be the one returned by EdgeReached.
Indicates whether a collision has been registered between this Ball and the passed sprite (Ball or ImageSprite).
Moves the Ball back in bounds if part of it extends out of bounds, having no effect otherwise. If the Ball is too wide to fit on the canvas, this aligns the left side of the Ball with the left side of the canvas. If the Ball is too tall to fit on the canvas, this aligns the top side of the Ball with the top side of the canvas.
Sets the x and y coordinates of the Ball. If CenterAtOrigin is true, the center of the Ball will be placed here. Otherwise, the top left edge of the Ball will be placed at the specified coordinates.
Moves the origin of Ball to the position of the cooordinates given by the list formatted as [x-coordinate, y-coordinate].
Sets the heading of the Ball toward the point with the coordinates (x, y).
Turns the Ball to point towards a designated target sprite (Ball or ImageSprite). The new heading will be parallel to the line joining the centerpoints of the two sprites.
Returns the bearing from the Marker to the given map feature, in degrees from due north. If the centroids parameter is true, the bearing will be to the center of the map feature. Otherwise, the bearing will be computed to the point in the feature nearest the Marker.
Returns the bearing from the Marker to the given latitude and longitude, in degrees from due north.