
# Description: Confirmation message shown when keystore is about to be overwritten.
Do you want to overwrite your keystore file?If you agree, your old keystore file will be completely removed from the App Inventor server.If you have published applications to the Google Play Store using the keystore you are about to overwrite, you will lose the ability to update your applications.Any projects that you package in the future will be signed using your new keystore file. Changing the keystore affects the ability to reinstall previously installed apps. If you are not sure that you want to do this, please read the documentation about keystores by clicking above on "Help", then "Troubleshooting", and then "Keystores and Signing of Applications"There is no undo for overwriting your keystore file.
Are you really sure you want to delete this project: {0}
Weet u zeker dat u dit project wilt verwijderen: {0}
Are you sure you want to move these projects to trash: {0}?
Are you sure you want to move {0} projects to trash?
Are you really sure you want to move this project to trash: {0}
Request to save {1}A file named {0} already exists in this project.Do you want to remove that old file?This will also remove any other files whose names conflict with {1}.
Verzoek om {1} op te slaan. Een bestand met de naam {0} bestaat al in dit project. Wilt u dat oude bestand verwijderen? Dit zal ook alle andere bestanden waarvan de naam conflicteert met {1} verwijderen.
Do you want to overwrite your keystore file?If you agree, your old keystore file will be completely removed from the App Inventor server.If you have published applications to the Google Play Store using the keystore you are about to overwrite, you will lose the ability to update your applications.Any projects that you package in the future will be signed using your new keystore file. Changing the keystore affects the ability to reinstall previously installed apps. If you are not sure that you want to do this, please read the documentation about keystores by clicking above on "Help", then "Troubleshooting", and then "Keystores and Signing of Applications"There is no undo for overwriting your keystore file.
Wilt u uw sleutel-bestand overschrijven? Als u akkoord gaat, zal het volledig uit de App Inventor worden verwijderd. Indien u reeds toepassingen op de Google Play Store heeft gepubliceerd met behulp van deze sleutel, dan verliest u de mogelijkheid om uw programma''s bij te werken. Alle projecten die u klaar maakt in de toekomst, zal met uw nieuwe sleutel worden ondertekend. Het veranderen van de sleutel verhindert ook de mogelijkheid om eerder geïnstalleerde apps opnieuw te installeren. Als u niet zeker bent dat u dit wilt doen, lees dan de documentatie over sleutels door hierboven op "Leren" te klikken, dan "Problemen oplossen", en dan "sleutels en ondertekening van programma''s". Merk op dat er GEEN mogelijkheid is om uw actie ongedaan maken voor het overschrijven van uw sleutel-bestand!
Server error: could not copy project. Please try again later!
Serverfout: kon project niet kopiëren. Probeer het later opnieuw!
Copying ...
<p><b>We detected errors while reading in your project</b></p><p>To protect your project from damage, we have ended this session. You may close this window.</p>
<p><b>We detecteerden fouten tijdens het openen van uw project</b></p><p>Om uw project te beschermen tegen schade, hebben we deze sessie beëindigd. U kunt dit venster sluiten.</p>




Source Translation
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

# Description: Confirmation message shown when keystore is about to be overwritten.
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
appinventor/appengine/src/com/google/appinventor/client/, string 135
Failing checks