
<p>A ''sprite'' that can be placed on a <code>Canvas</code>, where it can react to touches and drags, interact with other sprites (<code>Ball</code>s and other <code>ImageSprite</code>s) and the edge of the Canvas, and move according to its property values. Its appearance is that of the image specified in its <code>Picture</code> property (unless its <code>Visible</code> property is <code>False</code>).</p> <p>To have an <code>ImageSprite</code> move 10 pixels to the left every 1000 milliseconds (one second), for example, you would set the <code>Speed</code> property to 10 [pixels], the <code>Interval</code> property to 1000 [milliseconds], the <code>Heading</code> property to 180 [degrees], and the <code>Enabled</code> property to <code>True</code>. A sprite whose <code>Rotates</code> property is <code>True</code> will rotate its image as the sprite''s <code>Heading</code> changes. Checking for collisions with a rotated sprite currently checks the sprite''s unrotated position so that collision checking will be inaccurate for tall narrow or short wide sprites that are rotated. Any of the sprite properties can be changed at any time under program control.</p>
<p>A formatting element in which to place components that should be displayed from left to right. If you wish to have components displayed one over another, use <code>VerticalArrangement</code> instead.</p><p>This version is scrollable.
A sensor component that can measure the relative ambient air humidity. Most Android devices do not have this sensor.
The ImageBot is a non-visible component that uses DALL-E 2 to create and edit images. You must supply your own OpenAI API key for this component by setting its ApiKey property in the blocks.
Component for displaying images. The picture to display, and other aspects of the Image''s appearance, can be specified in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor.
Komponent för att visa bilder. Bilden som ska visas och andra aspekter på Bildens utseende kan anges i Designern eller Blockeditorn.
A special-purpose button. When the user taps an image picker, the device''s image gallery appears, and the user can choose an image. After an image is picked, it is saved, and the <code>Selected</code> property will be the name of the file where the image is stored. In order to not fill up storage, a maximum of 10 images will be stored. Picking more images will delete previous images, in order from oldest to newest.
En knapp med specialfunktion. När använder trycker på en bildväljare, visas enhetens bildgalleri och användaren kan välja en bild. När en bild valts, sparas den och egenskapen <code>Vald</code> kommer att vara namnet på filen där bilden finns lagrad. För att inte fylla upp minnet så lagras högst 10 bilder. Om fler bilder väljs kommer gamla att raderas, i ordningen äldsta till nyaste.
<p>A ''sprite'' that can be placed on a <code>Canvas</code>, where it can react to touches and drags, interact with other sprites (<code>Ball</code>s and other <code>ImageSprite</code>s) and the edge of the Canvas, and move according to its property values. Its appearance is that of the image specified in its <code>Picture</code> property (unless its <code>Visible</code> property is <code>False</code>).</p> <p>To have an <code>ImageSprite</code> move 10 pixels to the left every 1000 milliseconds (one second), for example, you would set the <code>Speed</code> property to 10 [pixels], the <code>Interval</code> property to 1000 [milliseconds], the <code>Heading</code> property to 180 [degrees], and the <code>Enabled</code> property to <code>True</code>. A sprite whose <code>Rotates</code> property is <code>True</code> will rotate its image as the sprite''s <code>Heading</code> changes. Checking for collisions with a rotated sprite currently checks the sprite''s unrotated position so that collision checking will be inaccurate for tall narrow or short wide sprites that are rotated. Any of the sprite properties can be changed at any time under program control.</p>
<p>En "sprajt" som kan placeras på en <code>Duk</code> där den kan reagera på beröring och att dras, samverka med andra sprajtar (<code>Boll</code>ar och andra <code>Bildsprajt</code>ar) och kanten på Duken, och röra sig enligt sina egenskapsvärden. Utseendet på sprajten ges av egenskapen <code>Bild</code> (om inte egenskapen <code>Synlig</code> är <code>Falskt</code>.</p> <p>Exempel: för att få en <code>Bildsprajt</code> att röra sig 10 pixlar åt vänster var 1000:e millisekund (en sekund), sätter man egenskapen <code>Speed</code> till 10 [pixlar], egenskapen <code>Intervall</code> till 1000 [millisekunder], egenskapen <code>Riktning</code> till 180 [grader] och egenskapen <code>Aktiverad</code> till <code>Sant</code>. En sprajt med egenskapen <code>Roterar</code> satt till <code>Sant</code> roterar sin bild när sprajtens <code>Riktning</code> ändras. Sättet att upptäcka krockar med en roterad sprajt kontrollerar f.n. sprajtens icke-roterade position, så krockdekteringen kommer att vara felaktig för höga och smala eller korta och breda sprajtar som är roterade. Alla sprajtens egenskaper kan ändras när som helst, styrt av programmet.</p>
A Label displays a piece of text, which is specified through the <code>Text</code> property. Other properties, all of which can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor, control the appearance and placement of the text.
En Etikett visar en text som ges av egenskapen <code>Text</code>. Andra egenskaper, som alla kan sättas i Designern eller Blockeditorn, styr textens utseende och placering.
A sensor component that can measure the light level.
LineString is a component for drawing an open, continuous sequence of lines on a Map. To add new points to a LineString in the designer, drag the midpoint of any segment away from the line to introduce a new vertex. Move a vertex by clicking and dragging the vertex to a new location. Clicking on a vertex will delete the vertex, unless only two remain.
A visible component that indicates the progress of an operation using an animated linear bar.
<p>A button that, when clicked on, displays a list of texts for the user to choose among. The texts can be specified through the Designer or Blocks Editor by setting the <code>ElementsFromString</code> property to their string-separated concatenation (for example, <em>choice 1, choice 2, choice 3</em>) or by setting the <code>Elements</code> property to a List in the Blocks editor.</p><p>Setting property ShowFilterBar to true, will make the list searchable. Other properties affect the appearance of the button (<code>TextAlignment</code>, <code>BackgroundColor</code>, etc.) and whether it can be clicked on (<code>Enabled</code>).</p>
<p>En knapp som vid klick visar en lista med textalternativ som användaren kan välja bland. Texterna kan ges via Designern eller Blockeditorn genom att sätta egenskapen <code>ElementFrånSträng</code> till en kommaseparerad lista(t.ex. <em>val 1, val 2, val 3</em>) eller genom att sätta egenskapen <code>Element</code> till en Lista i Blockeditorn.</p><p>Om man sätter egenskapen VisaFilterlist till Sant blir listan sökbar. Andra egenskaper styr knappens utseende (<code>Textjustering</code>, <code>Bakgrundsfärg</code> m.fl.) och om den är klickbar (<code>Aktiverad</code>).</p>



Things to check


Source Translation
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
appinventor/appengine/src/com/google/appinventor/client/editor/simple/components/i18n/, string 46
Failing checks