Indicates the acceleration changed in the X, Y, and/or Z dimensions.
Event raised if this ActivityStarter returns because the activity was canceled.
The ActivityError event is no longer used. Please use the Screen.ErrorOccurred event instead.
Event raised after this ActivityStarter returns.
Event after the user has made a selection for ShowChooseDialog.
Event that runs after the user chooses a Date in the dialog
Event indicating that the contents of the file have been written.
Simple event to raise after the SpeechRecognizer has recognized speech. If
Called after the picture is taken. The text argument `image` is the path that can be used to locate the image on the phone.
Indicates that a video was recorded with the camera and provides the path to the stored video.
Indicates that the scanner has read a (text) result and provides the result
Event called after the user selects an item from the dropdown list.
Provides the location of the newly created sound.
Event to raise after the message is spoken. The result will be true if the message is spoken successfully, otherwise it will be false.
Event raised after the user has responded to ShowTextDialog.
This event is run when a user has set the time in the popup dialog.
Called when a change is detected in the air pressure (provided in hPa).
Device back button pressed.
Event handler called when a Ball is dragged. On all calls, the starting coordinates are where the screen was first touched, and the "current" coordinates describe the endpoint of the current line segment. On the first call within a given drag, the "previous" coordinates are the same as the starting coordinates; subsequently, they are the "current" coordinates from the prior call. Note that the Ball won''t actually move anywhere in response to the Dragged event unless MoveTo is explicitly called. For smooth movement, each of its coordinates should be set to the sum of its initial value and the difference between its current and previous values.
Event handler called when the Ball reaches an edge of the screen. If Bounce is then called with that edge, the Ball will appear to bounce off of the edge it reached. Edge here is represented as an integer that indicates one of eight directions north (1), northeast (2), east (3), southeast (4), south (-1), southwest (-2), west (-3), and northwest (-4).
Event handler called when a fling gesture (quick swipe) is made on an enabled Ball. This provides the x and y coordinates of the start of the fling (relative to the upper left of the canvas), the speed (pixels per millisecond), the heading (-180 to 180 degrees), and the x and y velocity components of the fling''s vector.
Event handler called when the user begins touching an enabled Ball (placing their finger on a Ball and leaving it there). This provides the x and y coordinates of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas.
Event handler called when the user stops touching an enabled Ball (lifting their finger after a TouchDown event). This provides the x and y coordinates of the touch, relative to the upper left of the canvas.
Event handler called when the user touches an enabled Ball and then immediately lifts their finger. The provided x and y coordinates are relative to the upper left of the canvas.
Simple event to raise when the `SpeechRecognizer` is invoked but before its activity is started.
When a page is about to load this event is run.
Event to raise when Speak is invoked, before the message is spoken.