Imports data from the specified Spreadsheet component by taking the specified x column for the x values, and the specified y column for the y values. Prior to calling this function, the Spreadsheet component''s ReadSheet method has to be called to load the data. The usage of the GotSheet event in the Spreadsheet component is unnecessary. Empty columns are filled with default values (1, 2, 3, ... for Entry 1, 2, 3, ...).
Imports data from the specified Web component, given the names of the X and Y value columns. Empty columns are filled with default values (1, 2, 3, ... for Entry 1, 2, ...). In order for the data importing to be successful, to load the data, and then this block should be used on that Web component. The usage of the gotValue event in the Web component is unnecessary.
Set the points of the LineString from a specially-coded character string of the form: [[latitude1, longitude1], [latitude2, longitude2], ...]
Returns the name of the month from the instant, e.g., January, February, March...
Specifies the Points used for drawing the `Polygon`. The Points are specified as a list of lists containing latitude and longitude values, such as `[[lat1, long1], [lat2, long2], ...]`.
<p>A spinner component that displays a pop-up with a list of elements. These elements can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor by setting the<code>ElementsFromString</code> property to a string-separated concatenation (for example, <em>choice 1, choice 2, choice 3</em>) or by setting the <code>Elements</code> property to a List in the Blocks editor. Spinners are created with the first item already selected. So selecting it does not generate an After Picking event. Consequently it''s useful to make the first Spinner item be a non-choice like "Select from below...". </p>
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Establish the secret seed for HOTP generation. Return the SHA1 of the provided seed, this will be used to contact the rendezvous server. Note: This code also starts the connection negotiation process if we are using WebRTC. This is a bit of a kludge...