WARNING: Google has Deprecated the Fusion Tables Service. It will stop working on December 3, 2019 <a href="https://support.google.com/fusiontables/answer/9185417" target="_blank"> Learn More</a>
Use this option to create applications that can be submitted to the Google Play Store.<br/>These applications will not run on Android versions older than 4.0.
Use this option to build apps that that will work back to Android version 2.1 (Eclair),<br/>but will not be publishable in the Google Play Store.
Server error: could not add form. Please try again later!
To use this file, click Projects > Import project (.aia) from my computer ...
Error: Cannot upload .aia file as media asset
System error: bad alignment property editor for horizontal or vertical arrangement.
System error: Bad value - {0} - for Horizontal Alignment.
System error: Bad value - {0} - for Vertical Alignment.
Please wait %1 seconds...
Restore the previous version.
Save the empty screen now.
<p>It appears that <b>%1</b> has had all blocks removed.</p><p><ul><li>You can save the empty screen, and then all those blocks will be permanently gone from the project.</li><li>Alternatively, you can restore the previously saved version of the project.</li></ul></p>
Build of {0} requested at {1}.
Opening the Blocks Editor... (click to cancel)
Please choose a project to open or create a new project.
You must have a project open to update the Companion
Extension Import failed due to unknown URL
Are you really sure you want to delete these projects: {0}?
Do you want to overwrite your keystore file?If you agree, your old keystore file will be completely removed from the App Inventor server.If you have published applications to the Google Play Store using the keystore you are about to overwrite, you will lose the ability to update your applications.Any projects that you package in the future will be signed using your new keystore file. Changing the keystore affects the ability to reinstall previously installed apps. If you are not sure that you want to do this, please read the documentation about keystores by clicking above on "Help", then "Troubleshooting", and then "Keystores and Signing of Applications"There is no undo for overwriting your keystore file.
Server error: could not delete the file. Please try again later!
Server error: could not delete project. Please try again later!
It may take a little while for your projects to be downloaded. Please be patient...
ExtraKey and ExtraValue are deprecated and will not be supported. Please use the new Extras property in Blocks.